

English Tutor

Marina, I was born and raised in Colorado, US


My name is Marina. I was born and raised in Colorado, US, where I still live.

I am an ESL teacher with an educational background in architecture studies and a professional background in marketing research. I have been teaching students of different ages, language levels and from different backgrounds for the last 8 years. I've also helped students prepare for IELTS and TOEFL exams.
I like teaching and I like meeting new people. Both are challenging and tremendously rewarding. I get the satisfaction from knowing that I am a part of their success when it comes to English. I learn so much from my students with every new class.

I teach my students that a language is, before anything else, a powerful tool. Knowing other languages beside your native language can open new possibilities for you and your life. Secondly, learning and using a new language is fun!

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