

English Tutor

Dina, I was born and raised in Chicago United states


my name is Dina, I live in Chicago United states, and I’ve studied tourism management.
Since 2017, I have been teaching English as a foreign language to a range of private, commercial, online and institutional students. Also, I worked as a translator and proofreader occasionally.

And as we all now Currently English language has become so relevant around the world.
I'm also interested in people, how they communicate with each other, and how language is used, and I love the fact that I can meet and interact with people coming from different backgrounds and ages.

I always focus to provide my students with the best ways to learn English language smoothly and to help them develop their language skills, also to learn how to easy communicate and interact with the world and others.
Can’t wait to see you guys in my class and to have fun together while learning English!

هل تبحث عن تنمية مستواك بالانجليزية

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